2.0cc CTS Mineralized Cortico Cancellous Allograft Bone

2.0cc CTS Mineralized Cortico Cancellous Allograft Bone

Price: $110.00 (plus shipping)
Model: DZ020

CTS - Mineralized Cortico Cancellous Allograft Bone 2.0cc. "Great Bone for an Unbeatable Price"

This allograft bone particulate comes in 0.5-1.0mm chips.

Strict processing procedures are taken by the tissue bank to ensure quality and safe tissue grafts for transplantation. The tissue bank complies with guidelines and regulations with the American Association of Tissue Banks (AATB), Food and Drug and Administration (FDA) and many other state health department regulations. Extensive tests for infectious diseases such as AIDS, Hepatitis B&C and Syphilis are performed on all donors recovered by the tissue bank. All musculoskeletal grafts are soaked and rinsed in antibiotics, hydrogen peroxide, alcohol, and sterile water. The majority of the grafts are freeze-dried to a moisture level of less than 6% and irradiated at a dosage between 15-25kGy to effectively eliminate most bacteria and to preserve the tissue grafts. Freeze-dried tissue may be stored at ambient (room) temperature for up to three years. Frozen musculoskeletal tissue may be stored at -40 degrees C or colder for five years or -20 degrees C for temporary storage of up to six months
